Seven Proofs God Exists
Are Christians really "born again" at conversion and baptism?

By Lloyd W. Cary
"Christians today often find themselves surrounded by an increasingly hostile world. Atheists proclaim that there is no God, no Creator, and that Christians are foolish and naïve for their belief in a higher power. Agnostics say they just don’t know—and that if God does exist, it cannot be proven. Other so-called “enlightened thinkers” allow for the existence of a God, but say that He is aloof, detached, and disinterested in man. Is that so? As a Christian, can you prove the existence of God? And can you do so using sound reasoning and scientific principles?
The answer is yes! You should be able to defend your faith. Below are seven irrefutable proofs of the existence of the Creator God.* And remember, Christians should have no fear of science. The fact is, true science—science that is correctly understood and applied—is never at odds with the Bible. As we will see, God Himself is, in fact, the supreme scientist of the universe.
Proof One: Creation Demands a Creator
The theory of evolution provides the atheist with an “explanation” of creation without a Creator. But this misguided “rationalism” cannot account for the origin of the universe, of matter, or of life. It only presumes that some “random cosmic event” began a process that has somehow culminated in human life. But more and more honest scientists, biologists, geneticists, and geologists are now admitting that the “big bang” theory is utterly insufficient to account for the massive complexity we see around us. Such complexity testifies of a Maker; such incredible design testifies of a Designer. In short, creation demands a Creator!
Indeed, it is as David the psalmist wrote, “The heavens themselves declare the glory of God, and the sky wonderfully displays His handiwork” (Psa. 19:1; paraphrased). It is a scientific fact that there has been no past eternity of matter. In other words, matter has not always existed. Want proof? Radioactive matter is constantly breaking down, changing into a more stable form—ultimately lead. If matter has always existed, all radioactive elements would have long ago decomposed into simpler forms, into lead. Thus, the presence of radioactive matter proves that matter itself has only existed a relatively short period of time. This means there was a time when matter came into existence.
But how? Even if the “big bang” theory was true, where did the matter itself come from? Evolutionary theory hinges on the idea of gradual transformation. Can your mind imagine something gradually coming into existence out of nothing? Only a special, instantaneous creation can account for the sudden appearance of matter. And that demands a Creator!
Proof Two: Natural Laws Demand a Lawmaker
Proponents of evolution speak often of natural laws—laws assumed to be in operation at the time of the so-called “big bang.” In other words, the outcome of this supposed cosmic event was fully dependent on certain physical laws. Today, scientists understand and utilize scores of these laws—such as the laws of gravity, of thermodynamics, of inertia and motion, of mass and velocity, of energy. These, and many others, are definite, immutable laws that direct how matter and energy interact. Indeed, our universe is governed by indisputable laws.
Evolutionary scientists readily admit that such laws were involved in the formation of the universe—and that the same laws are actively involved in how the universe maintains its status quo. Yet they cannot account for the origin of such laws; they are just assumed to exist. The fact is, these active, inexorable laws of the natural universe are evidence of a Creator. Evolutionists may conveniently ignore the question of the origin of such laws, but Christians know that there is but one true Lawgiver (James 4:12).
Proof Three: Life Comes Only from Life
The theory of evolution teaches that life as we know it evolved from lower, simpler forms of life. But evolutionists cannot account for the origin of life—even simple organic forms. Life itself is incredibly complex—and there is a huge chasm separating life from non-life, dividing living matter from lifeless matter. No scientist has ever bridged that gap—nor will they ever do so! For it is a law of nature that life can only spring from preexisting life! Science has never been able to take even previously living tissue—let alone simple organic matter—and impart life to it. Indeed, how could lifeless matter possibly spontaneously give rise to life? This gap between life and non-life is unfathomable, insurmountable for man—but not for God. He alone has the ability to literally breathe life into lifeless matter (Gen. 2:7). This immutable law of biogenesis—that life can come only from life—is absolute proof of a Creator!
Proof Four: The Interdependency of Nature Demands a Creator
Look around you. You live in a complex, intricate world—a world characterized by design, order, harmony and interdependency. Every part of a flower has a purpose—there are no “useless” parts—and a flower’s vibrant color and fragrance draws in vital pollinators. In turn, pollinating bees “know” how to make honey from plant nectar in order to survive. In nature, one form of life is highly dependent on other life forms. And nothing lives or dies to itself, as everything that dies provides some element necessary for the continuation of life itself. Human life in particular is completely dependent on plant and animal life.
This high level of interdependency found throughout nature poses serious problems for evolutionists. Without the bee, many plants could never reproduce and survive; without the plants, bees could never survive. Which came first?
Evolution demands gradual change based on mutation and random chance. But did bees and plants really accidentally evolve simultaneously—developing a complex life-anddeath interdependency at “just the right time”? Or, does not their complex interdependency demand a Creator?
Proof Five: Who Is the Master Clockmaker?
Even the simplest of clocks are complex mechanical devices. Depending on the particular design, scores of moving parts must interact precisely if a timepiece is to keep proper time. Yet even the most expensive clocks do not keep perfect time and will invariably need to be adjusted periodically. But what standard is used to establish such perfect timekeeping? What “master clock” is used to ultimately update all timepieces? The heavens!
The great “master timepiece” of the universe—as measured by skilled astronomers—is always on time, never off by even a fraction of a second! The various celestial bodies coursing through the heavens “know” their courses—having been set by some unseen hand ages ago. Some “master clockmaker” planned each and every star and planet, setting each into place, establishing each orbit with a precision unparalleled in timekeeping.
Or, did our universe—the ultimate timepiece—result from a random “big bang”? Would not such an event create just the opposite of what we see—would it not create chaos and imprecision in heavenly timekeeping? What are the odds that our precise heavenly clock—which never needs to be reset or adjusted—could result from a random “big bang”? It would be impossible! You would have better odds taking all of the parts of even the simplest of clocks, putting them into box, and shaking that box for a thousand years— hoping that somehow those parts would assemble themselves into an accurately running clock! Yes—an absurd idea! But no more ridiculous than believing that the great “master clock” of the universe came into existence by random chance!
The “master timepiece” of the heavens could only exist—running perfectly now for eons—if it were planned, designed, and set into motion by the Master Clockmaker! Indeed, creation demands a Creator—and only the fool says, “there is no God” (Psa. 14:1)!
Proof Six: Is Anything Superior to Man?
As vast and magnificent as the universe is, one has to admit that it is inferior to the mind of man. Indeed, the galaxies have no thoughts, no will; the cosmos does not create, hope or dream. Rather, they are inanimate, and thus infinitely inferior to the human mind. Man can know, think, reason, create, design, invent, etc. Man can explore the vastness of the seas, examine the inner workings of atoms, fly through the sky at more than the speed of sound, make trips to the moon and back, communicate instantaneously around the world via computers, the internet satellites and digital devices.
There is almost nothing that man cannot do. However, man cannot create anything that is superior to himself—to his own mind. Think about this. What have you designed, built or created from nothing? Is it superior to yourself? Of course not. That would be impossible—for you are its creator.
There is nothing in this material universe that is superior to man—and you cannot create something greater than yourself. This begs the question: Could any power, force or intelligence inferior to man be responsible for creating mankind? If God does not exist, if there is no Creator—then, we are forced to admit that something inferior to ourselves created us! But that is impossible! The only answer is that some Power or Being far greater than man—far superior to the mind of man—must have created humankind!
Proof Seven: Changed Lives and Answered Prayer
Perhaps the most profound proof of God’s existence can be found in His active involvement in people’s lives. Atheists and secularists scoff at this notion because they have never experienced the power that leads to a changed life, the inspiration that leads to wholesale transformation in a believer, the peace that comes from genuine reconciliation with one’s Maker. Atheists don’t know what it’s like to pour one’s heart out to the God of the universe and know that He hears; secular humanists can’t imagine the joy that comes from the knowledge that one’s eternal life is secure. What atheist has had his prayers answered? And what evolutionist has witnessed divine intervention? Only those who truly belong to God know and see and experience these powerful proofs of the absolute existence of our Creator God!
* These proofs of God’s existence are adapted from material produced by Ambassador College, Pasadena, Calif., 1971-72.